Nimiq Proof-of-Stake Supply Curve Update

Welcome to the Nimiq Developer Center!

Dive into the Nimiq Ecosystem documentation with links to resources, tutorials, and assets.

Nimiq: the Blockchain for JS Devs!

Nimiq is the first browser blockchain. That means apps based on Nimiq can run directly in the browser of the user, locally, installation-free, without the need of a server-side application. And if you have a server-side application, you can use the Nimiq Node.js client. This way, it can be easily integrated into any existing app. Syncing with Nimiq requires seconds, not hours and it works on low-bandwidth. Ideal for mobile and progressive web-apps.

  • You can create blockchain-enabled applications in JS without a third party to rely on
  • No dependencies on external services, your app is a full member of the Nimiq network
  • No service fees, terms of use, rules, and restrictions
  • Everything open source and licensed under MIT and Apache 2.0 license
  • Create a blockchain powered app and deploy it, or
  • Add NIM payments to any existing app

Start building blockchain-enabled apps with your JS skills using the resources of Nimiq:

This is a living document and will be updated as the Nimiq Ecosystem evolves. Make sure to to check back regularly and join the developer community to get the latest updates.

Get Started

Build your own Nimiq-enabled app. Step by step with code snippets and a full running example at the end of each tutorial.

Quick Start

You can set up a Nimiq node within your browser that will connect to the Nimiq network and reach consensus in basically three lines of JavaScript code:

<script src=""></script>
Nimiq.load().then(async function() {

// Configure for Testnet. For Mainnet, use main().

// Instantiate a config builder.
const configBuilder = Nimiq.Client.Configuration.builder();

// Create a client based on your configuration,
// it will automatically connect to the network.
const client = configBuilder.instantiateClient();

But there is more! Learn in the tutorials below how to build a small webapp with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS that manages a wallet, sends and receives transactions, and looks neat using Nimiq's CSS framework.

App Starter Kit

Just clone the App-Starter Kit repo on GitHub and get the entire infrastructure for creating a Nimiq-enabled app with Vue.js setup, and the Nimiq client, Identicons, custom Nimiq components for Vue.js, the Hub API, Nimiq Style and more. Checkout the readme and the demo to see what it's capable of! To understand better how to use each part, have a look at the tutorials below.


Nimiq Checkout

Nimiq Payment Plugin

  • Installation. Setup an online shop with WordPress + WooCommerce and configure the Nimiq Payment Plugin to receive payments in NIM.

More to come. Want to contribute? Please get in touch.

Nimiq Basics: Nano Client, Nimiq Style, and Iqons

Nimiq Nano Client: Learn how to build a small app that can manage a wallet, send and receive transactions, and looks neat using Nimiq’s look & feel and Iqons in five short tutorials.

Run a node

The minimum example: On Linux and Mac, all you need is an IP and an open or forwarded port to run a full node.

git clone nimiq && cd nimiq
yarn && yarn build
clients/nodejs/nimiq --host=IP --port=PORT --protocol=ws

Note: For further details and instructions for Windows users, refer to the Nimiq Core Documentation.

Run a miner: just add configuration for threads and address

--miner=auto --wallet-address=ADDRESS

For more details, see:

  • Node.js client. Details and all parameters for full, light, and nano clients.
  • JSON-RPC client. Run a node that exposes APIs to connect to via the JSON-RPC client.
  • Use Docker. How to setup Nimiq to run in a Docker image.

Integrate Checkout

  • Nimiq Checkout for WooCommerce. A plugin for WordPress WooCommerce to handle payments in the Nimiq cryptocurrency.
  • Checkout API. Integrate with the Nimiq Hub Checkout API directly from your custom e-commerce system or app.
  • Nimiq Checkout Tutorial. Follow this tutorial and learn how to set up a simple web shop and receive payments in NIM.

API Documentation

Nuts and bolts of Nimiq. Detailed documentation of front-end, core and community-provided APIs and frameworks.


  • Nimiq Hub API. The Nimiq Hub provides a unified interface for all Nimiq accounts, addresses, and contracts. It is the primary UI for Nimiq users to manage their accounts and provides websites and apps with a concise API to interact with their users’ Nimiq addresses.
  • Front-end Documentation. Start using Nimiq in your webapp and website. Detailed documentation on the Hub, Checkout, Nimiq Style, and more.


  • Protocol Reference. An in-depth look at the bits and bytes of the Nimiq Protocol. Reference for messages with their fields and types on the network level.
  • Nimiq Core Documentation. Full Nimiq Core ES6 source code documentation.



Bits and bytes. Browse through Nimiq's source code. New to Nimiq's look & feel? Checkout Nimiq's Style Guide and download brand assets such as logos and signets.

Nimiq Style

The Nimiq CSS framework to give your webapp or website the Nimiq look & feel.

Source Code

The Nimiq Source Code (Blockchain, node, core library, Nimiq apps, CSS, Vue.js components…) is hosted on GitHub.